Room Booking Procedure
- Fill up the Room Night Booking Enquiry Form (Click here to download)
(applicable to only Marketing Person) and Intimation for Usage of Room Nights form. (Click here to download)
- Submit the Room Night Booking Enquiry Form & Intimation form along with photocopy of Applicant Certificate at your nearest branch OR can fax OR call OR e-mail to Centralized Room Booking Cell.
- If enquiry is generated by Marketing person then CRBC-CSC No. will be given to the enquiry.
- CRBC Executive will check the room availability with the hotel for PCL Hotel enquiry AND prepare the quotation against enquiry for Non PCL Hotel / Package
- If the rooms are available for PCL Hotel & if enquiry is confirmed by the customer, CRBC Executive will issue the system generated Confirmation Voucher to the concerned Branch / customer.
- Confirmation Voucher can be collected from your nearest branch or will be couriered to the address mentioned in the Applicant Certificate OR it can be sent on e-mail ID if available.
- If the room is not available on desired Date / Destination then CRBC Executive will ask for second preference for Date / Destination.
- As per the room availability of second preference CRBC Executive will issue the Confirmation Voucher.
- Customer can pay extra amount in cash at Branch / CRBC / PCL Hotel for the additional facilities availed by him such as AC, Extra Bed, Gift charges, etc.
- Applicant can gift the usage of Room Nights against which customer needs to submit Gift Application (from Applicant) & gift charges (as applicable) (Click here to download)
- Customer can utilized the Room Nights against single / multiple folios.
Document Required for Travel Booking
- Room Night Booking Enquiry Form.
- Intimation form for Usage of Room Night.
Cancellation Policy
For PCL Hotel Booking :-
- Fill up the Intimation for Cancellation of Room Nights Booking form. (Click here to download)
- Submit the duly filled Intimation for Cancellation of Room Nights Booking form at your nearest branch OR can fax OR call OR e-mail to Centralized Room Booking Cell.
- CRBC Executive will check the applicable cancellation policy against the booking and update the branch/ customer about the deduction of room nights as applicable (if any).
- Post confirmation by the Branch / Customer, booking is processed for cancellation in the system.
- Confirmation on cancellation of booking in the system will be sent to the branch/ customer through mail.
- In case of any extra cash / cheque collected against the booking, amount will be refunded through cheque which can be collected from your nearest branch or will be couriered to the address mentioned in the Membership Certificate.
- In case the original Membership Certificate submitted during booking for fully utilization of the balance Room Nights, same will be returned to the Branch / Customer as applicable.
For Non-PCL Booking :-
- No refund against cancellation.
For PCL Hotel Booking
- Before 7 Days & above of Check In Date – 100% RNs Refund.
- Less than 7 Days of Check In Date – 50 % RNs Refund
- Less than 2 days of Check In Date – No RNs Refund.
For Non PCL Hotel / Packages
If booking is cancelled then No Refund.