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Basic Rules
Insurance Coverage Rules
Downlodable Claim Forms
Mediclaim Guidlines 2012
Settlement of Mediclaims
2008 to 2011
Settlement of ADIC
Claims 2008 to 2011
Settlement of LIC
Claims 2008 to 2011
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Reasons for failure of many insolvent companies
Commission percentage is as high as 36% to 64%.
Improper product and schemes, over commitment.
Poor Administration.
Directors having lack of knowledge and inexperience.
Unjustified and advance commissions paid to agents.
Huge amount spent on advertising.
Huge expenses incurred during inauguration, done through celebrities.
Uncontrolled distribution of stationary and Company literature.
Non asset based Company.
Lack of quality products.
Indiscipline and irresponsible behavior towards work.
Lack of monitoring and coaching to the field.
Customer money is not used properly.
Lack of transparency and poor product knowledge of field.
Shortsightedness and lack of vision.
Reasons for success of Panoramic Group
Total commission payout is 23.60% only.
Apt product considering the customer needs.
Controlled administration.
Directors with vast experience and knowledge.
Suitable and timely commission paid to the Marketing Persons.
“Word of Mouth” advertisement strategy used.
Inauguration of various projects with blessings of “Guru”.
Controlled distribution of stationary and Company literature.
Diversified asset based Company.
Self designed / produced varied products.
Disciplined and responsible approach towards work.
Close monitoring and proper coaching given to the field.
Business contributions were aptly used for building assets in India as well as abroad.
Transparent and continues product training to the field.
Visionary leaders.