Rachel Sterling


The Concept of Routine Life

Living a life marked by routine is not exclusive to Indians; it's a global phenomenon. However, in India, the concept of a systematic, routine life seems to be deeply rooted in culture and lifestyle. The evidence of which is apparent in many aspects such as waking up to the ringing bells in the neighborhood temple or mosque, the morning aroma of fresh ghee smeared dosas, or the hustle and bustle of the local chaiwala.

Routine revolves around comfort and familiarity. It offers a sense of security, but it has a two-edged sword effect. While on one side it helps one maintain consistency and organization, on the other side it can lead to a life that is monotonous and uninspiring. Now many Indians are asking themselves the question: “Why are we stuck in living a routine life” - a question that requires us to dissect multiple aspects of Indian society.

Education and Employment: The Prime Movers

A prominent reason why most Indians find themselves wrapped in routine is because of the education system and employment structure. Our education system has always been linear, focused on rote learning rather than innovation and creativity. The aim has been to produce doctors, engineers, and government servants who match up to a predetermined 'success' scale.

Once into employment, the monotony of a 9-5 job often takes the creativity and spontaneity out of life. The monthly salary is a comforting cushion in an uncertain world. This leads to a rat race, where people are running to achieve more, but failing to enjoy the journey because of their routine. This routine involves working long hours, having little time for leisure activities, and less focus on personal growth.

The Clockwork Culture

Indian culture itself promotes a life built on routine. Ancient Indian scriptures often emphasize on the "Dincharya" (daily routine) and "Ritucharya" (seasonal routine) for maintaining health and harmony. To credit these practices, they have provided a sense of stability, discipline and a healthy way of life. However, on the flip side, they have made most Indians accustomed to a clockwork life lacking spontaneity and novelty.

Our culture features standard and systematic execution of every life aspect – from family rituals to societal norms, education, and career choices. This cultural fabric also influences our decision-making process, making us more likely to follow the trodden path rather than create a new one.

Fear of Uncertainty

A significant factor contributing to most Indians sticking to a routine life is the fear of uncertainty and unpredictability. Because the Indian education system and workforce conditions emphasize regularity, it’s often difficult for people to break free from the chains of monotony and tread an unpredictable path. Hence, a well-defined, routine life appears as a safer and comfortable option.

Stepping out of the comfort zone invites risks and uncertainties, and most individuals prefer the predictability of a routine over the unpredictability of new experiences. The fear of failing dissuades them from trying something new or exploring their interests.

Social Pressure and Expectations

One cannot ignore the role social pressure plays in pushing people towards a routine life. In India, society often dictates many life decisions – from career choices to getting married at appropriate age. Many feel obligated to conform to these social expectations, and this need for acceptance forces individuals to mold their lives according to societal norms.

You're expected to be academic, land a well-paying job, marry at the right age, have children, raise a family, and so on. These social constructs pressure most Indians to fall into a structured life plan that’s been laid out for them.

Financial Constraints

Financial constraints also play a substantial role in keeping most Indians stuck in routine life. With a significant portion of the population falling under the lower income bracket, there's less room for risks and career experiments. The focus is largely on survival and meeting the ends, and hence, sticking to a well-paid job becomes the norm.

The thought of financial instability often discourages people from setting off on a different path that might not assure immediate financial gains. For the middle class especially, the constant struggle to upgrade their lifestyle and provide for their family dominates their spending habits and lifestyle choices, leaving little room for exploration or risk-taking.

The Power of Routine and Balancing Act

Having said all this, it's essential to note that routine is not entirely detrimental. It helps create a sense of order, reduces anxiety, and provides a sense of familiarity. However, the key lies in maintaining a balance. Embracing a routine should not mean leading a monotonous life devoid of creativity.

Spontaneity and exploration are essential for personal growth and enrichment. It is necessary to challenge the status quo and venture into the unknown. Thinking out of the box, pursuing passions, exploring unconventional paths should be encouraged. Instead of simply accepting routine, Indians should strive to disrupt their norms and seek innovation and creative outcomes. Well, change is not easy, but remember, it is the only constant in life.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, I believe that the reason most Indians stick to a routine life is a combination of factors ranging from our cultural fabric to the educational structure, societal expectations, fear of uncertainty, and financial conditions. But remember, a routine does not have to be discouraging or monotone. Transforming the routine into something innovative and productive is what we as citizens should strive for. It is about time we started integrating excitement, creativity, experimentation, and novelty in our routines while cherishing various facets of our rich culture and traditions. The ultimate goal should be a fulfilling life that is a good blend of routine, spontaneity, creativity, and innovation.

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